8933 Turin Road
Rome, NY 13440
Park Pavilions
The Lee Town Park Pavilions may be reserved for private parties and other group gatherings. Contact the Town Clerk at 315-336-3438 for availability and reservations.
IMPORTANT - What to know before you call:
- There are 4 areas that can be reserved: Pavilion #1, Pavilion #2, Playground and Gazebo - please notify clerk of which picnic area you are calling about. (Please refer to picture; click "download image" for full-size viewing.)
- 2nd choice if 1st is unavailable.
- If you are unsure of the accomodations, it is recommended you visit the park to view the picnic areas before calling for a reservation.
- Time of arrival to set up and estimated time of departure.
- For functions where alcohol will be present, applicant must complete the Town's Indemnity Agreement before an Open Container permit will be issued. (Can be printed (below) and mailed to the Town Clerk.) Must be age 21 or older.
Please bring in garbage bags and dispose of trash in the dumpsters provided.
You may also bring in your own gas grills if you'd like.
The Town of Lee also asks that no staples be put into the tables to hold down tablecloths.
Please check the grounds and the bathrooms before you leave for anything that may need to be cleaned up.
There are no fees for use of the park.
Charcoal grills are provided.
There is no electricity provided at Pavilion #2.
No grills at Gazebo
**For those who have standing reservations or early bookings: You MUST confirm after the new year no later than March 31st to hold your pavilion.**